Michael Tippett (1905-1998)
A Child of Our Time - Oratorium in drei Teilen für Soli, Chor und Orchester Dauer ca. 60'
I - The world turns on its dark side
The argument. Man has measured the heavens
Interludium - Is evil then good?
Now in each nation
I have no money for my bread
How can I cheresh my man in such days
A spiritual. Steal away
II - A star rises in mid-winter
And a time came
Chorus of persecutors and persecuted. Away with them!
Where they could, they fled
Chorus of the Slef-righteos. We cannot have them in our Empirre
O my son!
A spiritual. Nobody knows the trouble I see, Lord
The boys becomes desperate in his agony
The took a terrible vengeance
The terror. Burn down their houses!
Men were ashamed of what was done
A spiritual of anger. Go down, Moses
The boy sings in his prison. My dreams are all shattered
What have I done to you, my son?
The dark forces rise like a flood
A spirtual. O, by and by
III - The cold deepens
The soul of man
The words of wisdom are these
I would know my shadow and my light
A spiritual. Deep river
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